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菊儿胡同文化2.0 | Ju’er Hutong Culture 2.0

在菊儿胡同的两个时日,中国艺赞China ArtBattle的青年艺术家们听见了老胡同的殷切呼唤,给予了最全神贯注的眼神——老北京的胡同们在画板上活起来了。

Two art battles were held in Ju’er Hutong two weeks ago. During the event, China ArtBattle’s young artists devoted themselves to bringing Hutong culture alive on the canvases.





The artists took a walk into the history of the city, and another walk back with the vitality of hutong culture on the tip of their paint brushes. On their canvases they announced the Ju’er Hutong Culture 2.0!

让我们来看看到底菊儿胡同文化2.0 长个什么样,青年艺术家们又如何表现他们的胡同经验!

Click the video below to see Ju’er Hutong Culture 2.0, and the young artists paint their fun experiences in Ju’er Hutong!


112-1 Round 1

《胡同爱恋》Tricia Bethel

The Walk of Love, Tricia Bethel

这幅《胡同爱恋》是当天第一场最受欢迎的作品——你是否也感受到欢愉的恋爱氛围了呢?对来自格林纳达的艺术家兼行销经理Tricia Bethal来说,第一次到菊儿胡同感觉就像谈恋爱一样,走得越远就爱得越深。看着小小的房子、红色的门和一串串红色的灯⋯⋯「我感觉好运!」她说。你可以看见她以爱恋的亮丽色彩彩绘着她的胡同感受喔!

The Walk of Love was the top voted painting of the first round–can you feel the love illustrated in the painting?Grenadian artist and marketing manager Tricia Bethal,fell totally in love with Ju’er Hutong when she first got here.It’s the walk of love - you fall deeper and deeper the further you go!All the small houses,red doors and lanterns made Ju’er Hutong a really adorable place.You can see all the bright colors she put in her work!

Tricia Bethel对于艺术也有她独特的一番见解:「我相信每个人都是很有创意的,只是发挥在不同的领域。有些人是歌手,有些人是摄影师、音乐家、演说家,或是设计师、艺术家。艺术是份天赋——虽然透过后天努力可以强化,但是这份礼物是与生俱来的。」

Tricia Bethel has her unique view on art:“I believe we are all creative beings in different ways.Some might be singers,photographers,musicians,public speakers and others might be designers or artists.Art is that extra talent that we are blessed with and it is something that is innate. Academically it can be enhanced,but it is a gift that we were born with.”

《热胡同!》simon david clayton pugh

Hot Hutong!, simon david clayton pugh

这幅《热胡同!》是本场次第二高票的作品,是由英国威尔士的平面设计师、插画师simon david clayton pugh所作。Simon david clayton pugh现居北京,在流行产业已有超过十四年经验,你在流行服饰品牌begona noya或是快餐店Burger King都可以看到他作品的踪迹喔!哇,夏天的胡同真是挥汗如雨呀,你是否也跟可爱的画中人一样,在胡同里卷起衣服,滑着手机呢?虽然胡同里真的很热,但他抱起来应该很疗愈耶!

Hot Hutong!,painted by simon david clayton pugh,a Welsh graphic designer and illustrator currently based in Beijing China,was the second top voted painting of this round.He has more than 14 years professional experience within the fashion industry,and also helps run fashion brand begona noya.He even once designed the famous B.K. crown.In his work,you see a guy checking his phone with his shirt rolled up due to the heat.An anagram of“Hutong”is“Hug not”- but however sweaty,the guy is so lovely!Why wouldn't you hug him!


Turning, Jexuy (Xu Zhang)


Old Beijing. Old hutongs. Old memories. Turning, by young artist Jexuy, illustrates the gradual passing of time and the accumulation of memories. And the blanks within memory pieces, illustrated as blanks in the painting, are left to be filled in with endless hutong stories.


Reminiscence, Yuting Yang


Hutongs are lovely quiet places in busy cities. Since ancient times, people have been yearning for being free like birds and being pure, worry-free like lotuses (as this is how we describe lotuses in Chinese). Reminiscence by Yuting Yang illustrates the concept that one can be free as long as one has a pure, worry-free mind.


Tranquil Is In One’s Heart, Na Sun


Na Sun is a makeup trainer. In Tranquil Is In One’s Heart, Na Sun shows people’s desire of finding a peaceful place for their minds when under the great pressure of life. Why not just sneak into the “small Hutong” in your heart?


Untitled, Yong Liu


Black and white might seem to be two simple colors, but they could be mixtures of other colors. They seem to be simple but could actually be complex – as the world and life in hutongs are too. Yong Liu used different proportions of various colors to mix several black and white colors, and created a black-and-white abstract painting with them.


112-2 Round 2


Adventure, Yang Liu

第二场最得大家欢心的作品,是刘洋所作的《奇遇》。刘洋现为清华大学美术学院客座讲师,也是跨界设计师、高级花艺师、 新水墨画家与独立策展人。刘洋的整幅画作由刮刀一气呵成,以大胆的笔触语言和明艳的色彩绽放成艳红的花朵。她说,在繁复胡同小道的转角,总有令人感动的惊喜,而那些细小的共鸣正像这艳丽的花朵般盛开。

The top-voted work of round 2 is Adventure by Yang Liu. Yang Liu is not only a transboundary designer, but also a senior florist, new ink painter, independent curator and a guest lecturer at the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University. She created this wonderful work by using a paint scraper, adding bold strokes and sharp, contrasting colors to form stunning flowers shapes. The flowers symbolize one’s inner feelings when finding pleasure surprises on their way walking down a Hutong.


Infection, Xibei Jia


Xibei Jia, an urban planner, found that lots of foreigners came live in Ju’er Hutong due to the architectural features in this area. Gradually, these foreigners “infected” traditional Beijing culture with western/foreign ones. Infection depicts the cultural assimilation in Ju’er Hutong – the red man and the blue man in the painting represent two different cultures.


Plum Blossoms, Yu Mu


Plum Blossoms, a traditional Chinese style painting by Chinese ink artist Yu Mu. Yu Mu believes that everyone has nostalgias for past cultures and old lifestyles. His created this work to encourage people to appreciate traditional art with contemporary views.


Ju’er, Mengyiao Liang


In freelancer Mengyiao Liang’s work, the little flower represents Ju’er Hutong and the red tiles, old Beijing Hutongs. The little flower, despite being different from a clover, enjoys the same world with a little clover in the sun.


Ju’er Hutong, Bo Han


Ju’er Hutong, the work of Bo Han, a sculpture designer, illustrates the history of Ju’er Hutong, the assimilation of western and Chinese culture, and the continuation of hutong culture. Ju’er Hutong, a.k.a. “The Hutong of Chrysanthemums”, was called “The Hutong of Oranges” back in Qing Dynasty. So, Bo Han painted both an orange and a chrysanthemum flower. Beholders see modified hutong buildings, painted in black and white, through a traditional door.


Summer Had A Relaxing Tea in Ju’er Hutong, Xinhui Yao


Xinhui Yao is an artist graduated from Berlin University of the Arts. She used various colors and shapes to illustrate the various culture and relaxing life in Ju’er Hutong. The relaxing pace here is like when slowly having a cup of nice tea! Ju’er Hutong is a square area that leads in all directions – you see people walking in here among traditional buildings every day!


Untitled, Xiaoxiao Jing


For designer Xiaoxiao Jing, “hutong” is a part of her memories of Beijing. A part of her hutong memories disappeared along with the new constructions in the city. As for the hutongs that survived new constructions, they blended in with the new look of Beijing. However shabby the old hutongs were – they were real, and so are Xianxiao Jing’s memories of them.

这次的艺赞,我们看见了青年艺术家带出了菊儿胡同的2.0 新面目。

The art battles in Ju’er Hutong showed the world Ju’er Hutong Culture 2.0.

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